Metal frame

Frame house building is a well-tried and one of the most widely spread construction methods in contemporary world. A light steel or wooden frame placed upon a foundation serves as a support framework. The exterior and interior sides of the walls and the roof are covered in other materials depending on the architectural concept and customers’ preferences. Modern high technology materials ensure not only the stability and durability of a house, but also heat insulation, sound absorption, and comfort.

A frame house is just as good as a traditional brick or concrete house and can become a perfect construction option for any type of residence — from less expensive cottages to massive buildings. Important advantages of a frame house include:

  • Fast construction — from several weeks to several months;
  • No need for a solid and heavy foundation or heavy equipment due to the lightness of the structure and absence of bulky components;
  • Excellent water and heat insulation, which will eventually reduce heating and air conditioning costs;
  • Environmentally friendly construction materials;
  • Communications can be installed inside the walls;
  • Low construction costs compared to traditional construction methods;
  • High earthquake resistance.

Below you can find photographs of one of our completed projects to build a frame seaside bar in Chalkidiki.

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